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Air Conditioning – Tips to stay cool in the summer!


Our UK weather is never predictable, but when the sun comes out, let’s get out there and enjoy it. Some of us like to relax in the garden or down the local park but it’s great to jump in the car and go and have fun down the countryside or splash in the sea at the coast. Unfortunately, as our summers are normally limited, everyone thinks the same, so huge traffic volumes are inevitable.

However it’s bad enough being stuck in a traffic jam, but if your air conditioning doesn’t work properly, then I think we’ll all agree, we now have a bigger problem on our hands and will start to feel very uncomfortable. So it is always good to be prepared by having your air conditioning system serviced and refilled with new gas.

I’m sure you always want to look after you car and make sure everything is working well, and to save you money over time, keeping your air con working properly is so important. As we know with many things in life, small problems can grow into bigger ones if you don’t take action early.  We can help you with your air con service, check for any leaks and refill it…all with peace of mind to know you’ll be the coolest driver on the road!

Tips to keep cool

If you are unlucky and your system does fail, then here are a few tips you can do to stay cool, when out in the car until you are able to get it fixed:

1. Park in the shade where possible.
2. Leave a ¼ inch gap on two windows to let the air flow through. As the hot air rises in the car, it is released.
3. Try to avoid wearing dark clothes whilst driving as they hold in the heat. Think Linen or cotton and don’t forget your sunscreen!
4. Keep a flannel in the car. You can wet it and wipe over a hot steering wheel or other hot surfaces to take the heat out before you drive. You can also lay it over the air vents when damp…this will help bring the in-car temperature down a little.
5. The night before a journey, freeze a bottle of water so that it stays cooler longer while you’re driving.

Origin of Air Conditioning

Invented in the late 1880’s, American William Whiteley thought of an idea to place large ice blocks underneath the horse carriages. This was the start of the air conditioning systems. Luckily, we have moved on from horse carriages and ice blocks and now air conditioning is standard in 80% of new vehicles manufactured and with advanced controls to provide maximum comfort for you and your passengers.

1 Comment

  1. If you have children I’d also recommend getting sun shields to stick on the back windows – they hate being in direct sunlight (like vampires!).