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How To Breathe New Life Into An Old Car

As a car owner, we always hold a special place in our hearts for some of our older vehicles, whether it was your first car or a car you’ve loved from the start. These older vehicles often carry memories and for many, they are not just modes of transportation but cherished companions. While time may have taken its toll on these automotive gems, there’s a certain joy in reviving them, bringing back the nostalgia and charm – here, we’re exploring the art of breathing new life into an old car, transforming it from an old relic into something ready for the modern roads.

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I Haven’t Started My Car For Months – What Should I Do?

Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes our vehicles find themselves sitting idle for extended periods. Whether due to travel, remote work, or unforeseen circumstances, a car left untouched for months can present some challenges when you finally decide to get back on the road. In this article, we’ll explore the essential steps to take when your car has been dormant for an extended period, ensuring a smooth transition from hibernation to ignition.

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The Most Common Problems With Chrysler Vehicles

North American Luxury vehicle brand, Chrysler, has certainly held its own in the luxury market as of late. Part of the Stellantis conglomerate, they have held their own against other key luxury automotive brands, and rightly so. However, like all manufacturers, Chrysler has encountered various problems in their lifetime. From owner complaints to recalls, here are some of the most common problems with Chrysler vehicles. 

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Why Might I Need A Gearbox Replacement?

Your vehicle’s gearbox will typically be designed to last the car’s lifetime, but that doesn’t mean that things can’t go wrong. A gearbox replacement can often be a necessary but costly expense, so it’s crucial to know what to look out for as to whether you need a full replacement, certain part replacements or just a repair. Knowing the warning signs can help you better determine what you might need or when to get your car in for repair to avoid further damage.

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How Long Should My Gearbox Last?

When buying a new car, you expect the parts to last you a long time and while some are likely to run down faster than others, the gearbox is one part you don’t want to be replacing. While we can expect to be replacing oil, spark plugs, headlight bulbs and more on a fairly regular basis, knowing how long key elements like your gearbox system are due to last can help you not only prepare for repairs later down the line but know what to keep an eye out for.

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What Does A Gearbox Rebuild or Replacement Involve?

If you have an older car or a vehicle that’s experienced a serious fault, you could need to have the gearbox or transmission rebuilt or replaced completely, but what exactly does this involve? We’ve put together this guide to gearbox replacement and rebuilding so you know exactly what to expect. 

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