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Keeping Your Cool: How to Prevent Gearbox Overheating During Summer

As the summer sun beats down, temperatures soar, and roadways sizzle, your vehicle’s gearbox can face a significant challenge: overheating. Whether you’re cruising along the motorway or navigating city streets, excessive heat can take a toll on your gearbox, leading to premature wear, fluid breakdown, and potentially costly repairs. Keeping things as cool as possible and ensuring your gearbox is in its best shape through the warmer months is simpler than you may think – here, we’ve put together a guide to help you get started.

Maintain Proper Fluid Levels

Adequate lubrication is essential for reducing friction and dissipating heat within your gearbox. Before summer arrives in full force, check your transmission fluid level according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. If it’s low, it’s important to get it topped up as soon as possible, and if the fluid appears dirty or discoloured, consider having it flushed and replacing it with fresh fluid. Additionally, you can check your manufacturer’s manual for any advice regarding which fluids and viscosity would be best for your vehicle during the warmer weather.

Use High-Quality Transmission Fluid

Not all transmission fluids are created equal, especially when it comes to withstanding high temperatures. You could opt for a high-quality synthetic transmission fluid that is specifically formulated to perform well in extreme heat conditions. Synthetic fluids typically have a higher thermal stability and oxidation resistance compared to conventional fluids, making them ideal for summer driving.

Check for Proper Ventilation

Adequate airflow is crucial for dissipating heat from your gearbox. Inspect the transmission cooler and ensure that it is free from obstructions such as dirt, debris, or insect nests. You can even have the cooler fins cleaned to maximise airflow. Additionally, you can have a mechanic check the condition of the transmission cooler lines and fittings for any signs of leaks or damage that could impede fluid circulation and get any damage repaired or build-up cleaned by the time the hot weather hits.

Avoid Heavy Loads and Towing in Extreme Heat

Excessive weight and towing can place additional strain on your gearbox, leading to increased heat generation. Whenever possible, avoid towing heavy trailers or hauling heavy loads during the hottest times of the day. If towing is unavoidable, take frequent breaks to allow your gearbox to cool down, and consider using a transmission cooler or auxiliary fan to help regulate temperatures.

Practice Smooth Driving Habits

Aggressive driving, such as rapid acceleration, hard braking, and frequent gear shifts, can generate excess heat in your gearbox. Instead, practice smooth driving habits by gradually accelerating and decelerating, maintaining a steady speed, and avoiding unnecessary gear changes. By reducing the strain on your gearbox, you can help prevent overheating and prolong its lifespan.

Monitor Transmission Temperature

Many modern vehicles are equipped with a transmission temperature gauge or warning light that alerts you to potential overheating issues. Keep an eye on the gauge while driving, especially during hot weather or when towing heavy loads. If the temperature begins to climb into the red zone, pull over to a safe location and allow your gearbox to cool down before continuing your journey.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Routine maintenance is key to ensuring your gearbox remains in optimal condition year-round. Schedule regular inspections with our qualified mechanics to check for signs of wear, leaks, or other issues that could contribute to overheating. We can help you follow the manufacturer’s recommended service intervals for fluid changes, filter replacements, and other transmission-related maintenance tasks.

By following these tips, you can help prevent gearbox overheating and keep your vehicle running smoothly throughout the summer months. Remember that proactive maintenance and responsible driving habits are essential for preserving the health and longevity of your gearbox, so don’t wait until the heat becomes unbearable to take action. 

For help preparing your vehicle for the hot weather and ensure that your gearbox doesn’t overheat in the months ahead, simply get in touch with a member of our team, today.