in Dodge

The Most Common Problems with Dodge Vehicles

Dodge is a historic American brand known for its muscle cars and powerful trucks. However, like any car manufacturer, Dodge has had its fair share of reliability issues over the years. If you’re a Dodge owner or considering buying one, being aware of these problems can help you stay on top of maintenance and avoid unexpected breakdowns. Here are some of the most commonly reported issues with Dodge vehicles that you should be aware of.

An Issue With ‘Rollaway Car’

For Dodge vehicles with electronic gear shifting, drivers have reportedly faced issues with the vehicles ‘rolling away’ in the past. According to Medium, the issue was “rampant in models released prior to 2012” and was “primarily caused by a faulty electronic gear shifter.” ( This issue was rapidly dealt with by Dodge themselves, with redesigned gear shifters in models following 2012. Those with earlier models or with Dodge Ram in particular should remain vigilant.

Engine Blow-Outs at Low Mileage 

Engine problems, particularly complete engine failure, can be devastating things to experience in any vehicle. Reports of Dodge models, especially the Ram truck, experiencing engine blowouts even at relatively low mileage have rolled in over the years, with Medium reporting that “some vehicles have had their engines blow out as early as 65,000 miles”. ( The issue typically requires engine repairs and in some cases, engine replacements.

Fragile Dashboards

There have also been reports over the years that Dodge dashboards seem prone to cracking and breaking, especially on older models. According to DodgeProblems, the problem was “first reported with the 1998 model year” and has affected models up to 2006. There doesn’t seem to be one specific cause, however, reports suggest anything from “dashboards [being] simply made of defective plastic” or a “faulty manufacturing process”. ( This is currently an issue that doesn’t have a recall but does seem to affect older Ram models in particular. If you are unsure, you could opt for another model, or simply keep on top of any signs of wear and tear with vehicle repairs.


Rust is a given issue for any vehicle owner, particularly those with older models, however, owners and mechanics alike have reported that Dodge vehicles can be particularly susceptible to rusting problems. Medium reports that rust is “unfortunately… a common issue in many Dodge vehicles”. The repair process is the same as with any other rust-affected vehicle – our team can provide bodywork repairs and ensure that your vehicle is safe to drive and is in the best possible condition for the years to come.

Wobbly Front End

Some Dodge owners have reported a feeling of a loose or wobbly front end, especially at high speeds. DodgeProblems report that “some Dodge Ram trucks are experiencing violent front end vibrations at highway speeds”, particularly after hitting any bumps in the road beforehand. ( The rattle or wobble is typically caused by worn-out suspension components and is important to address for safe handling. Dodge has also addressed the issue in newer models (after 2013) by introducing a redesigned steering system.

While these issues can be concerning, it’s important to remember that proper maintenance can go a long way in preventing them. Regular servicing and addressing any problems that arise early on can help you avoid major breakdowns and keep your Dodge on the road for years to come. Consulting a mechanic familiar with Dodge vehicles is also advisable.