Having a Winter Check could save you and your car a lot of hassle in winter months ahead. As everybody knows this time of year is not the best for anyone and for cars it’s exactly the same. These are extensive checks, outside of a standard service, and will help maintain the well being of your car through these colder months. So is it worth taking the risk? BE SAFE!
What we check?
Checking the battery holding charge using a voltmeter is very important especially if you have an ageing battery. Batteries find winter weather hard going, so by checking the connections are pushed on tightly, wires are in good condition and greasing the terminals will help in winter months.
Checking the charge rate of the Alternator is crucial as this charges the battery. Using a voltmeter determines how strong the charge rate is which should be between 13-14 volts. Having this checked could save a lot of bother and damage to the Alternator and Battery.
Anti-Freeze Top Up
The cooling system is the leading cause of engine related breakdowns during the winter months especially. The water in the engine could freeze so by having the Anti-Freeze checked could save this from happening.
Brake Fluid Top Up
With the winter months ahead, visibility is reduced and road surfaces change. Topping up your brake fluid levels will ensure your brakes function correctly, which will save lives!
Inspection of Engine Components
A full inspection of components including Radiator, Driveshaft, Injectors and Drive belt/s etc will all be carried out in the Winter Check. Having these checked early could save a lot of damage and money.
We are offer a FREE Winter Check with every service. Call us now to take advantage of this SPECIAL OFFER!